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12 signs travel back in time

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Do you remember the comedy “Back to the future”? Who didn’t dream at least once about using the time machine and going back in time, to revisit the past, one’s own history or simply taking a leap into the future? Today, we are going to show you the relationship of each sign with time and history: have a pleasant trip!

And if you could travel back in time!

Aries, a good Martian, you are well-rooted in the present. Yesterday is the past and it doesn’t interest you any longer, tomorrow doesn’t exist. However, you wouldn’t mind speeding up time as you love speed. Though, if you got the chance to visit history, you would love pirating, Ancient Rome, or Greece heroes of the Iliad!

Taurus, you have a nostalgic side and willingly love to think about the past. Your childhood, affectionate and gourmet moments with your dearly departed and blessed periods where everything seemed so smooth and easy. You’re a romantic, you would love to go back to Sisi times, Waltz or in a beautiful boat during the Renaissance period!

Gemini, you’re curious and fascinated by all the periods of history, the same way you wonder about the future. You rarely think of the present but aren’t nostalgic, you won’t have an issue taking part in the emergence of airmail, telegraph, or telephone. You admire these pioneers who contributed in connecting humans with one another!

Cancer, you’re the most nostalgic one in the zodiac and in fact the future really scares you. When one listens to you, it’s as if everything was better before. Of course, first in your childhood or in your mother’s tummy but that’s not it. Passionate about history and antiquity, you love studying lost civilizations like Egypt or Mesopotamia: the Golden age, according to you!

Leo, you’re at ease with your time, as you taste the benefits. However, you do recognize that there was a certain greatness and nobility in the past, which doesn’t exist anymore. You’re fascinated by royalty, power and luxury seems appealing to you. The Versailles era suits you: provided you belong to the high society, of course!

Virgo, you’re pragmatic and live in the present moment. However, as you’ve grown older, you’ll miss your youth and empowerment. When it comes to work, at times you feel nostalgic about full-employment times, where each one found their place. You’re intellectual and also love the age of enlightenment or Elizabethan England!

Libra, you don’t live the present moment. At times nostalgic about the past, at times on the lookout for the future, it’s rare that you feel balanced, anywhere. Your love for art and the beautiful may immerse you in Renaissance Italy or Mozart times, Vienna, or Napoleon Paris: you love old costumes and the accessories of Yore!

Scorpio, you hate modern times and love to dream about caves, hunting mammoths or flintknapping. Warrior at heart, you can see yourself drawing the sword or attacking shores in a Viking ship. Barbarism, Moorish battles, or conquering Arabia may also seem appealing: in short, light years away from a cushy life. 

Sagittarius, you’re happy regardless of what happens and find positive aspects, in every period. However, you would like to revisit a time if you got the chance, namely the knighthood period. Just like Lancelot of the Lake, you can see yourself fighting with the mean men, killing a dragon, and freeing Guinevere. The lives of Amerindians hunting the buffalo may also seem appealing: well, as long as you can galop!

Capricorn, you’re not happy with the present. According to you, the golden age was in the past and you miss times when one could rise, succeed, and earn money through work, intelligence and education. You loathe modern superficiality. Conventual medieval life, during the inquisition and industrial revolution, suits you.

Aquarius, you don’t live either in the past or in the present. What interests you is the future and what shall happen tomorrow. You dream about spaceships, new means of communication, travel, organizing Society, or not polluting the planet. Did you know that Jules Verne was Aquarius too and came up with the submarine?

Pisces, you don’t live in the present or in another time. You live in another dimension of space, which makes you special. However, when one hears you talking, you feel sorry for submerged continents, lost cities like Alantis, Mu, Avalon, Tula or Shamballah: even if one doesn’t know if they merely existed!

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